Pinewood Derby Fast Axles
With Wet-Sanded, Diamond-Polished Derby Fast Axles, There’s Never Been A Quicker Way To Get Your Pinewood Derby Car Performing Its Best
- Fast speed axles are crafted to reduce friction and make your PWD car that much faster
- Save time and get your PWD race-day ready. Thanks to DD techs our axles made with proprietary straightening, CNC machining, and polishing techniques perfected over hundreds of hours
- Free up time from filing, straightening, beveling, notching, sanding to focus on your favorite parts of PWD construction like the tuning and car body
Winning Pinewood Derby Axles
Get Used To First Place With These Impeccably Polished and Prepped Axles, Already Deburred, Shaped, Straightened and Sanded To Save You Time So You Can Focus On The Race Ahead
When you want to make your PWD car more competitive, there’s one little secret that we’ve shared with our loyal fans.
Everyone wants their PWD car to go faster, but before you can go fast, you’ve got to go less slow.
Yes, you have to go less slow… to go fast.
I know, it sounds nuts. But stick with me, because we’re going to get your PWD car faster than it’s ever before with the one part that’s really crucial to this: the axle.
That’s because the trick when thinking about your Pinewood Derby Axle is not to gain energy to go faster but to reduce friction.
That’s where the real gains come in.
And that’s how you go from faster to fastest.
Race Ready Fast Pinewood Derby Axles
Now, to get your axles tuned up and ready, you’ll need some patience. There are tutorials everywhere showing you how to do all of the prep work involved to ensure you have straight and trued axles that are free of burs and crimp marks so you can effectively polish the axle, all to reduce the friction and get you to that finish line in record time.
But what if you don’t have access to the machines?
Or what if you have a race this weekend?
Or what if your favorite part of PWD is making the car body?
Then you’re in luck. Our Pinewood Derby Fast Winning Speed Axle Set is made just for you.
With this ready-to-race set, you’ll get 4x BSA race-ready axles, each wet-sanded to 2k grit, diamond-polished to the finish of your choice.
Rail Rider Riding Bent Camber Pinewood Derby Axles
Need something specific? We also offer bent pinewood axles, as well as milled tuning head slots. Our axles can also be sealed for faster speeds.
So when you’re ready to leave them in the dust, check out our Pinewood Derby Fast Winning Speed Axle Set. You’ll save time getting to the starting line…
So you can be the first one at the finish. Order your set today!
When Time’s Of The Essence, Trust The Precision Polishing And Home-Grown American Craft That Goes Into Making Each and Every Pinewood Derby Fast Axle A Winner
So how do we get each of the axles in our Pinewood Derby Fast Winning Speed Axles performing their best?
- Computer numeric controlled machines prepare our axles with minimal surface removal to ensure consistent diameters throughout the shaft
- Tapered axle heads to reduce surface friction are then wet sanded and diamond polished.
- Derby Dust® reduces friction through precision polishing – and this is a real metal polish job with fancy machines (our very own CNC polishing machine that utilizes 9 different wheels with 5 levels of polishing pastes)
- With good old hands-on skilled American labor
- Finally, each axle is individually inspected by two separate personnel to ensure the highest quality
Check your LOCAL Pinewood Pack Rules!
We’ll Help You Go Fast – But Don’t Go Too Fast!
We believe our BSA race-ready axles will help you sprint across the finish line, but sometimes local events have different rules than BSA box rules. So make sure you know the rules before grabbing our unique modifications!
And remember – we’re here to help! If you have any questions, or you’re unfamiliar with the terminology, just send us an email and we’ll get you what you need.
Leave them in the Dust with Axle Upgrade Options
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