Pinewood Derby Car Body ONLY — Slim Wedge Rough Cut


Pinewood Derby Car Body Physics Lecture BSA – compliant complete pinewood derby car. Before your purchase, please check your local rules. If you are unsure about the terminology, just email us, we will get you what you need.

Car Bodies:

  • 7 inches in length
  • 1.75 inches in width
  • Minimum ground clearance of 3/8 inches

While every Pinewood Derby Car will have wheels and axles, do you know the tricks that will help you get maximum speed of the car?  As a result Derby Dust® tech’s take the guess work out of build a champion  When designing your car, there are several key issues to consider that includes the efficiency of all the parts put together.  Using these known tricks will result in a fast pinewood derby car that looks and performs better.

As you can see there are a bunch of options. Please do not get overwhelmed. If you don’t know what something means, just look it up in the search box.

Wheel Base *

Important Decision. Check your rules!

Number of Weight Holes

What type of weight holes?

3 Wheel Racer

Car Ride on 3 wheels?

Weighted Body

Would you like your Body Weighted?

Finish Kit

Add Finshing Kit. Foil Tape, #44 Drill bit, 7 grams of Tungsten Putty

SKU: SlimWedgeRoughCut1 Category:
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Copyright © 2012-2021 Machine Envy, LLC.  All Rights Reserved.  Derby Dust® is a registered trademark of Machine Envy, LLC.

Machine Envy, LLC is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by the Boy Scouts of America. Pinewood Derby® is a registered trademark of Boy Scouts of America.

Derby Worx® is a registered trade mark of Derby Worx, Inc. Rail Rider™ is a registered trademark of Derby Worx, Inc.

Awana® is a Registered Trademark of Awana Clubs International. Machine Envy, LLC is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by the Awana Clubs International.